Matters by Jane Turlo
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It doesn’t matter if you like me or if I like you
It doesn’t matter if we have different opinions
It doesn’t matter what you think of me or what I think of you
It doesn’t matter how I look or how you look
What matters is how we feel about ourselves
What matters is we respect one another regardless of race, religion, or beliefs
What matters is we preserve our country, our world, so our children and grandchildren flourish
What matters is we treat each other with kindness and always try to put ourselves in each other’s shoes, even when they don’t fit
What matters is humanity, love, and peace
But right now,…what matters most is Black Lives, no matter what color you are. Before all lives can matter, black lives must matter.
I believe we can change what is happening in our country, in our world, if we are determined. Like the great, late American Poet, Langston Hughes said about determination…
“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.”
I’m determined. Are you?